The Sustainability Series 3 Book Compilation Paperback

The Sustainability Series 3 Book Compilation Paperback
Author: Garry Gnapp
Publisher: Activate Solutions Publishing
Publication Year: 2015
ASIN: 1520673019

The Social Entrepreneur - A New Breed For A World In Need 2022 Edition
- How To Create A Sustainable Future For You, Your Family and Your Planet

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About the Book

What an amazing journey it has been reading this book..

From the in-depth research presented to the positive, responsible actions being taken by the author himself, this book sheds new light on how, around the world, all individuals, governments and businesses alike can influence change for the betterment of us all.

Jan Buch-Hansen

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The Social Entrepreneur – A New Breed For A World In Need
How To Create A Sustainable Future For You, Your Family and Your Planet

In this 3 Book Compilation PAPERBACK version, you’ll find:


The Social Entrepreneur, A New Breed for a World in Need, Book One: Sustainability – It’s A Serious Business, is a timely book that should be issued to every citizen of the world, and one you will not only enjoy and apply yourself but want your fellow human beings to have. Author and social entrepreneur Garry Gnapp deals with sustainability in a thoroughly researched, conversational and anecdotal way, and your mind will be newly opened to how the future good health of our planet and our most entrepreneurial endeavours actually synergistically go hand in hand. Chapters address:
• Sustainability – why it is the most important framework for moving forwards in the 21st Century
• An Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship – Using business methods to solve global challenges
• Disconnects at the Individual Level
• Disconnects at the Social Level
• Disconnects at the Environmental Level
• In Crisis there is opportunity
And each of three volumes in this series end, with a special invitation from the author, encouraging us all to take our own next step in true sustainability.
In The Social Entrepreneur: A New Breed for a World in Need, Book Two: Sustainability – Action Around Your Planet, author and social entrepreneur Garry Gnapp builds on the basis laid down in book one of the series and goes on a world tour, examining what nations and countries are doing right and where they’re going wrong. In truth, there are leaders and followers in the world in terms of sustainability and social entrepreneurship, and often nothing is more revealing or enlightening than seeing what others are doing and what is working now. We’ll visit:
• Australia
• The Americas
• South America
• Europe
• Africa
• Asia
He reveals major world trends as well as exciting new, emerging solutions for a sustainable future for us all.
In The Social Entrepreneur, A New Breed for a World in Need, Book Three: Sustainability – It All Starts with YOU, author and social entrepreneur Garry Gnapp not only expands the view built upon by books one and two but adds special ingredients that make your own personal next steps known, suggesting multiple personal paths to sustainability in the greater voyage of creating a better world. In this book you’ll discover and evaluate:
• Big Choices on the Journey to Sustainability
• Putting Personal Health Front and Center
• Becoming More Sustainable at Home
• Sustainable Travel
• The Secrets to Creating a Sustainable Income
• Sustainability and a Purpose-Driven Living

And with his special invitation at the end, Garry not only has passed the baton of sustainability to you but given you the tools you will need to practice and benefit from your new life-paradigm right away.

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Garry Gnapp

Garry Gnapp is an example

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