'How To Create A Sustainable Future For You, Your Family And Your Planet

This book will introduce you to the most important framework for change in the 21st century – Sustainability

Although the global challenges we face as a species on this increasingly fragile
planet are both dire and urgent, reading this book will inspire you and leave you optimistic that we can activate not only a rising crescendo of awareness, motivation and compassion but also the will and the money to solve them.

Sustainability - You’ll see what it looks like in real life and find out how you can live a more sustainable lifestyle to support yourself, other people and the planet.

This is an ESSENTIAL book that literally EVERYONE MUST READ!

It surely is a blessing to encapsulate Garry’s wisdom, gain knowledge of his experiences and research and truly be uplifted with his soulful insights in this book! When life’s stresses compound, it is Garry Gnapp’s positive outlook that shines through his truthful, beautifully researched book that has restored HOPE in my life once again.

Thank you Garry for giving us all GREAT opportunities to help save our Planet, as well as our own existence!

A truly inspirational book!

Alicia Liley

What an amazing journey it has been reading this book.

Starting with a sobering reflection of the serious challenges we face in our world today. From the in-depth research presented to the positive, responsible actions being taken by the author himself, this book sheds new light on how, around the world, all individuals, governments and businesses alike can influence change for the betterment of us all.

Jan Buch-Hansen

Garry Gnapp’s book, `A Social Entrepreneur – A New Breed For A World in Need,’ should be required reading for everyone worldwide NOW!

An inspiring and compelling page turner, it’s well researched and documented. It illustrates how ordinary individuals can all help to save the only home we and our offspring inhabit.

As a fellow author, I congratulate Garry for his dedication and personal example.

Phil Latz

I enjoyed reading the book which was easy to read with well presented ideas, support facts and stories. It is a great guide for those who are contemplating change.

Garry has not only presented some great information in his book………he walks the talk. He lives a wonderful life in an idyllic and sustainable way in rural northern NSW. He lives off the land and is self-sufficient in energy needs. He has generated an income by creating an asset in a home based business which supports this wonderful lifestyle and so is financially sustainable. Sounds perfect!

This book could be the tool that starts to create an awareness and inspiration in people who are wanting to do something to help themselves and others but just need appropriate guidance and a direction to apply their efforts.

Ken Green
NSW Australia

The Social Entrepreneur - A New Breed For A World In Need "How To Create A Sustainable Future For You, Your Family And Your Planet" IS probably the world's most important book right now.

It is a great mix of facts and figures of the current state of our planet and useful information as well as practical solutions. It is very easy to read and hard to put down!

The book is very upbeat and offers solutions, whilst it outlines the problems it is not a doom and gloom book and clearly gives the message we can all do our bit, this is done as a suggestion of ways we can all help rather than preach and condemning. It is a call to action that leaves you wanting to take action of whatever magnitude you can. It has great examples of businesses who are addressing the changes that need to be made this will help me select which businesses I will support.

This book has ideas that everyone can incorporate some of into their daily life to contribute to helping the planet and being more sustainable. A great practical book about the biggest problem the world faces today.

Debbie Davie
NSW Australia

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