Rave Reviews

Geoff Barker - Thailand

"After several bad experiences in business I was losing hope.

Garry has gone beyond my wildest expectations as a mentor and coach.

His integrity and willingness to share his knowledge and experience is not often found in today's dog-eat-dog world. I strongly recommend anybody to do what I have done and ASK him for help - then soak up Garry's enthusiasm and knowledge so you can live life on your own terms like he does."


Bridget Allen - Melbourne Australia

"I have personally known Garry Gnapp since 1998, when we met on the occasion of my investigating a business which I subsequently started under his instruction.

Over the years since Garry has been instrumental and generous in supporting me in a mentoring capacity, always being available to support me towards achieving my goals along the road to success.

Garry comes with a wealth of knowledge and along with an honours university degree he also has a distinguished background in professional sports and business.

Always ready to help another, Garry has built a sizable global business which continues from success to success, all based on the adage, ‘that for him to succeed he must first help others to succeed’ – the true art of giving!

Last but not least he has become a sincere and trustworthy friend and is excellent company to be around."

Richard Prescott - Gold Coast Australia

"Garry Gnapp has been a massive influence in guiding me through my business planning. I have gained great insight in to what it takes to succeed and place Garry's advice in very high regard. His unique knowledge of running a business is backed up with his genuine attitude to helping people. When he says he'll call or get something done, he will, and in todays ever more competitive market, it's good to know you have someone reliable on your side.

I hope to continue working with Garry for many years to come."

Ainsley Shepherd - QLD Australia

"Garry Gnapp is indeed a man on a mission. He is about helping people and this comes through in everything he says and does. I have found Garry to be relatable, supportive, knowledgeable and professional. He is a man of integrity and has an incredible amount of knowledge which he so readily shares with others.

I am very glad to have met Garry and I appreciate the opportunity he has extended to me, which is improving both my health and my wealth."

Peta Hughes - NSW Australia

"I first met Garry Gnapp at a local business breakfast meet up. I went there to showcase a new product I had imported. Little did I know on that fateful day that meeting him would change my life.

Garry became my mentor.

Garry saw something in me that I didn't know was there and over the years he has encouraged me to be the best version of myself that I could possibly be. Just quietly I call him my fearless leader, because he is certainly fearless and a great leader, bringing out the best in everyone.

He shows people how its done. Leading by example. For anyone thinking of working or hiring Garry I say to you.....go for it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. One thing I can guarantee, Garry will be there right there beside you all the way.

P.S As well as helping with my business he also helped me lose 42 KGs ! I've never felt better!"

Jan Buch Hansen - Denmark

"I met Garry through a mutual friend about 10 years ago. 

Since I started running my own business, Garry has been patiently and regularly guiding and mentoring me through the years through my ups and downs, helping me out in so many ways. I have always found him willing and able to help me along the way and have no hesitation in recommending him. In my opinion you will not find anybody better to support you in reaching your dreams."

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